Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What a great reunion!

We just got back from the Poulsen reunion last night!

WOW! We had so much fun! We went to Twin Creeks Campground! We haven't been there in 10 years! The mosquitoes were AWFUL though, they liked my fingers! I have 3 bites on 2 fingers on my left hand! Hope we don't get West Nile virus!

Sven took the kids fishing on Sun (we were camping, it's ok, right????) and Megan caught a couple fish, ALL BY HERSELF.

Kayson caught a couple, but they were too small, so they had to throw them back.

Then, we always stop at a little pond near Lemhi (between Lemhi and Tendoy Idaho) called Hayden Pond! The kids caught fish there as well, Megan caught and landed hers all by herself.

Caitlin fished, but she didn't catch anything, she swears that the fish that Megan caught is the one that was on her hook and got away!

Oh well, she had fun too!

Our campsite was probably close to a quarter mile from the pavilion and my camera was in the tent, by the time I got down there and realized it, didn't want to go back, so I don't have too many pics, but did send the kids back on Sun. to get my camera so I could take a few pics.

This is a pic of my Mom's Aunt Maxinne and my Mom. Maxinne is the only living member of the older Poulsen Family!
She was the baby of the family and still going strong! She is slowed down a bunch, but she was there and had a great time. I haven't seen her in years and she is still the same Aunt Maxinne!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

We've come to the close of YET another school year!!

Here we are at the end of another school year! Can you believe it??? Summer is here! WOOHOO!

Caitlin is really glad to be able to relax for a little while! We still don't know who her teacher is going to be next year. They are trying to figure out classes. They are considering a 4th/5th combo. Apparently sixth grade is still up in the air too! I can't believe that my little girl is going into SIXTH grade. Thankfully she will still be at the Elementary school for another year!
I am so proud of Caitlin for getting such good grades! I have seen her grow so much this year! She has had great teachers who have helped her in SO many ways!

Megan is already missing her teacher, Mrs. Campbell. I told her, "you'll see her next year". I don't think that the whole summer thing will hit until tomorrow morning when we get to sleep in! I can just push Sven out of bed and enjoy the peace and quiet. (**cough, cough** like that's gonna happen!) I am so excited that Megan got the teacher that I requested. Mrs. Durfee! She is a FABULOUS teacher, I have spent alot of time in her classroom and she has a very organized teaching style!

I am so proud of Megan! She is such a good reader! I can't believe she is reading at 6 years old! Caitlin didn't start reading until 1st grade. I think alot of that is the fact that she had vision problems that we didn't discover until the end of first grade!

Kayson is already looking forward to his birthday! June 23, he will turn FIVE! Holy Moly! Where does time go, seems like he was just born yesterday! He is so excited to go to Kindergarten. Mrs. Campbell is looking forward to me helping in her classroom again!

I got a phone call the other night from the lady that is going to be the PTO president next year. She is in my mom and sister's ward at church. She asked me if I would be interested in being one of her Vice President's next year. I told her I would. Not sure what I have gotten myself into.

Sven is staying busy with his job, and now that summer is here will be busy with all the yard and garden work! We have a small box garden that we have planted some peas and carrots and radishes. I bought some tomato plants yesterday, that we are going to plant in some big pots.

I was leaving the Walmart parking lot the other day and saw a sign about a craft fair that Walmart is having to benefit Children's Miracle Network aka. Primary Children's Hospital. There was a number to call so I called and got information. I signed up (actually still need to send in the paper and the money). I have a bunch of bows from the craft fair I did at the library and didn't sell very many, so I don't think I'm going to make very many more bows, but I have a couple other things I want to make. I have made some "Boo-Boo Bunnies" they are a wash cloth folded into the shape of a bunny that you can put an ice cube in his "belly" for when you get a booboo! Cute idea huh??? I am also considering making some crayon rolls. I made some and sent them to Texas to a friend of mine, she loved them! She designed my new business cards and bow cards for me and I HAD to do something for her, I sent these rolls to her for her girls. The crayon rolls are awesome to put in your purse for church, doctors office, really anywhere you need to keep kids busy! They keep crayons contained. Great creations! I hope they sell well! (in the event I decide to get them made :P)

Kayson has another appointment on Tues with Dr. Terry Baker, the ENT that did his surgery. It has been 3 weeks since his most recent surgery on his ear (tympanoplasty) to patch the little hole left in his eardrum when the tube fell out. I am hoping that it will be good news, that his ear is healing and we won't have to do another surgery! Kayson HATES to have drops put in his ears and I am not very good at convincing him! So I am hoping that it is healing properly!

WOW I am jumping all over the place with this! I better end it now and go do something else LOL!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Where does the time go? I have been so busy with everything! I have been working part time at the kids school as a substitute duty aide. Also as a Substitute teacher at the school. I have also been sewing and making bows!

I did a craft show the first of May, didn't do very good, but I got my name out there!
I have also opened up an Etsy shop. There is a button on the side bar here on my blog. You should all go check it out! I will be adding things to it frequently so check back often!

I have also discovered Facebook! I love it! Yesterday I sat down to check my email and found a note from Facebook. A gal, that I had been friends with in High School, but lost track of after she got married and moved away, found me on facebook and asked if I would be here friend there!!! I was so excited!

We are getting very excited for the girls to be done with school! We only have 3.5 more days, technically Megan has 4 because she goes a full day on the last day! Megan normally is done with school at 11:05, school gets out on Friday at 11:20, so for Caitlin, that is a half day, for Megan, it's longer! LOL SHHHH don't tell her!

Kayson is getting so excited to start school next year! I am not sure how I feel about that!

We are looking forward to a very busy summer. We have lots of fun family reunions to go to! We always look forward to the Poulsen Reunion at the end of June! I can't believe that one is creeping up on us so quickly!

Time Marches on, as the saying goes!

I hope I can do a better job of remembering to update my blog! I am on the computer enough, you'd think I could do it more often, I just forget!

AH well! Life goes on!