Sunday, May 24, 2009


Where does the time go? I have been so busy with everything! I have been working part time at the kids school as a substitute duty aide. Also as a Substitute teacher at the school. I have also been sewing and making bows!

I did a craft show the first of May, didn't do very good, but I got my name out there!
I have also opened up an Etsy shop. There is a button on the side bar here on my blog. You should all go check it out! I will be adding things to it frequently so check back often!

I have also discovered Facebook! I love it! Yesterday I sat down to check my email and found a note from Facebook. A gal, that I had been friends with in High School, but lost track of after she got married and moved away, found me on facebook and asked if I would be here friend there!!! I was so excited!

We are getting very excited for the girls to be done with school! We only have 3.5 more days, technically Megan has 4 because she goes a full day on the last day! Megan normally is done with school at 11:05, school gets out on Friday at 11:20, so for Caitlin, that is a half day, for Megan, it's longer! LOL SHHHH don't tell her!

Kayson is getting so excited to start school next year! I am not sure how I feel about that!

We are looking forward to a very busy summer. We have lots of fun family reunions to go to! We always look forward to the Poulsen Reunion at the end of June! I can't believe that one is creeping up on us so quickly!

Time Marches on, as the saying goes!

I hope I can do a better job of remembering to update my blog! I am on the computer enough, you'd think I could do it more often, I just forget!

AH well! Life goes on!

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