Friday, November 21, 2008


OK, I was at the Midnight premier last night!!! Can I just say, AWESOME!!!! I was afraid that it wouldn't follow the book, that it would be obvious what was left out! I think that it flowed very well, it followed the book extremely well, the parts that were left out or compressed, were not missed, by me anyway. I don't think anyone at the theater was disappointed!

The actors they picked, fit the part perfectly! If you have read the book, I would HIGHLY recommend the movie! Even if you haven't read the book, you should go see the movie!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ok, I promised to try to do better! So here is my attempt!

Since the last time I posted, life has been a little nuts! We had a wedding, a funeral and a craft show! That doesn't sound very good does it?

My nephew Teagan got married on November 7th. My cousin Doug, who was supposed to be the best man for the wedding, passed away the Monday before. His funeral was the 8th.

The Touch of Country Craft show that I did at Town and Country Gardens started on the 7th and ran through the 15th. I think I did fairly good, considering it was a first time! At least I got my name out there somewhat! I didn't sell out though! :(

I didn't take pics of my booth, but I will post some pics of some of the items that I sold.

This is what the setup looked like at home!

Boutique Bow Ribbon Pens

Ladybug clips

Heart clips

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fun things happening!

WOW it's been a while since I updated. I have been super busy!
I am making a TON of stuff for a craft show at Town and Country Gardens (a local greenhouse). It's a week long show, so I have to get a ton done before, then I need to KEEP making all throughout so I can stock it if something sells out (which I am TOTALLY banking on!)

I started working one day a week at Apple Athletic club so the kids and I could have a membership. Ask me if I have used it. NOPE!!! LOL I hope to soon!

I will TRY to do better at updating my blog!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

More Cute Kids!

I made some flag bows and sent them to my cousins in Utah.

Treyson and Tylee, Jadee and Jaxin

Jadee and Tylee


Treyson and Tylee are my cousin Leon and Kristina's kids.

I love to make bows and it's awesome to see my bows on cute kids.

I made some flag bows for my girls and for my niece Cassie's girls, Tyla, Bekka and Keilee, I also made one for my niece Naya. I didn't get any pics taken of them. It was awesome seeing all the bows on the fourth at the parade.

I had sent Tylee a Mickey Mouse bow a couple months ago. Brooke finally sent me the pic that was taken at my Aunt Verna's missionary farewell of Tylee in the bow.

This bow was made before I really made them so that they looked good. I'm still learning. I think that they look pretty good!
Thanks guys for making my bows look awesome!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Cutest Little Model!

My cousins Brooke and James have the cutest little girl and she (Brooke and Jadee) loves bows! I have sent them some of the ones that I have made and Brooke has graciously posted them on her blog, so I am going to post them on mine as well, just cuz I think they are cute (both Jadee and the bows :o) )

Pink and white, what a great combination!

This bow I sent in the hopes that it would get there for Father's day, It says "Daddy's Girl"

These are the cutest lady bugs I ever saw.

Sleeping Beauty never looked so good.

Is she not just about the cutest thing you ever saw???


After everyone trying to convince me to do a blog, I've finally taken the plunge!

This will be a good place for me to show off my newest creations, and pics of my cute kids and the crazy things they do!